Digital Dynamic Documentation

In the Digital Dynamic Documentation innovation project, Waag works together with Imagine IC to develop a tool that allows individual visitors of exhibitions to become part of entire "emotion networks" around the objects and subjects that are displayed. The project wants to provide the heritage sector with a new, dynamic way of approaching cultural heritage. We investigate how emotion networks and technology can be used together to create a "caption", in which divergent and changeable feelings, associations, opinions and interests surrounding objects become clear. The tool and the knowledge acquired in the project about its design, application and operation will be made available to the heritage sector.

Emotion networks

Emotion networks consist of all different feelings people have related to an object (a museum or archive piece, a building or a ritual). Think of Zwarte Piet or the "Wall of Mussert". Emotion networks is also the name of a conversational method, in which participants gain insight into the continuous negotiation that leads to the creation of shared heritage and into the dynamics of its meanings. This type of conversation offers participants the opportunity to learn to see the objects on the negotiating table through the eyes of another.

The notion of emotion networks was coined in 2014 by the Reinwardt Academy and Imagine IC. They have since developed this into a method, since 2018 also in further collaboration with Waag in the ErEmEd project (Emotion networks around Heritage in Educational settings).

With thanks to AFK.

Digitaal Dynamisch Documenteren (DDD) door Imagine IC en Waag
Digitaal Dynamisch Documenteren (DDD) door Imagine IC en Waag

Emotion networks

Emotion networks consist of all different feelings people have related to an object (a museum or archive piece, a building or a ritual). Think of Zwarte Piet or the "Wall of Mussert". Emotion networks is also the name of a conversational method, in which participants gain insight into the continuous negotiation that leads to the creation of shared heritage and into the dynamics of its meanings. This type of conversation offers participants the opportunity to learn to see the objects on the negotiating table through the eyes of another.

The notion of emotion networks was coined in 2014 by the Reinwardt Academy and Imagine IC. They have since developed this into a method, since 2018 also in further collaboration with Waag in the ErEmEd project (Emotion networks around Heritage in Educational settings).

With thanks to AFK.

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