Breakfast tour in Amsterdam Southeast with Imagine IC – Wednesday October 9

Join Imag­ine IC on Wednes­day, Octo­ber 9, for an inspir­ing morn­ing. We start with a break­fast and pre­sen­ta­tion host­ed by Danielle Kui­jten and Jules Rijssen at Imag­ine IC, fol­lowed by a tour featuring:

  • OSCAM: The muse­um for art, fash­ion, design, crafts­man­ship, and devel­op­ment in Amsterdam.
  • The Black Archives: His­tor­i­cal archive and cul­tur­al cen­ter offer­ing inspir­ing dis­cus­sions and activ­i­ties from black perspectives.
  • CBK Zuidoost: For over 30 years, the place for con­tem­po­rary visu­al art with an inter­cul­tur­al, inclu­sive approach.

The pro­gram will start from 9.30AM to 1.00PM at Imag­ine IC

Max­i­mum num­ber of participants.

Reg­is­ter down below on our web­site to secure your spot!
